Distributive Energy Resources, Rural Village Electrification, India
Project Details
A rural village electrification Initiative in India enabling flexible power generation and reliable power distribution, providing cost efficient technology and access to electricity to the 1.2 billion people currently unelectrified
- NGP’s initiative in India will include solar canal installation and provide electricity under the Remote Village Electrification (RVE) Program launched by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), India
- NGP’s Rural Village Electrification (RVE) initiative will employ Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to electrify villages
- Rural Electrification for 500 to 1000 people can be achieved using DERs around a village with electrification and housing for 100 homes in a remote location with scheduled power supply, under ~100kWp system
- Power generation systems can be remotely operated, managed, and controlled using IoT, Drones and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Flexible Power Generation
Small sizes and the short construction lead times compared to most types of larger central power plants, flexibility could allow participants other than electric utilities, such as homeowners, businesses, farmers, manufactures, non-profits to respond to changing traditional methods of power generation
Reliable Power Distribution
Installation of DEG systems is one of the many ways to improve reliability of the power distribution in rural areas where there is regular interruption and shortage of electricity supply
Cost Efficient Technology
The concept of onsite production could result in cost savings in transmission and distribution of about 30% of electrical energy costs. Furthermore, locating the generation close to the loads could also contribute to reduced grid losses
Environmental Benefits
Renewable energy sources are by nature small-scale and dispersed over the grid, installing DEG provides the opportunity to exploit the cleaner energy within proximity. DEG with renewable resources are not only capable of producing environmentally friendly electric energy, but DEG helps in minimizing the emissions generated by conventional central power plants
Grid Integration
Grid integration of DEG systems not only promises more reliable function of power systems, but also promise the inclusion of renewable energy resources in the main energy framework by introducing smart grid and microgrid (with storage devices) in the existing or new distribution networks
Distributed Generation will provide access to populations that do not have access to reliable electricity. 1.2 billion people worldwide are still without access to electricity, 63 million rural Indians, the equivalent of the population of Britain, do not have access to reliable energy to have clean water to drink, cook or wash