Developing the second largest pumped storage reversible hydropower plant in SE Europe
Project Details
Developing the second largest pumped storage reversible hydropower power plant in Southeastern Europe, a 600 MW environmentally friendly, carbon-free, baseload renewable energy project on the Drina River Basin in the Republic of Srpska
- A 600 MW reversible pumped hydroelectric energy storage project in the Republic of Srpska on the Drina River Basin providing environmentally friendly, carbon-free, baseload energy production of 1,388 GWh/year
- The Project’s expansion potential is 300 MW for a total baseload capacity of 900MW with an additional future 223 MW Upper Drina river basin expansion plan further adding to the overall capacity of the Project
- The Project’s PPA with European Union Members is estimated at 6.00€¢/kWh
- Upon Project completion in 2025, the facility’s 100 year life cycle will supply flexible energy deployment capability with ancillary Benefits to the European grid including frequency regulation, improved voltage stability, significant reduction in resource cycling and renewable wind power curtailment
- NGP has a fully executed “Cooperation Agreement” with the Republic of Srpska and all front-end pre-construction engineering designs with technical studies, environmental reports and critical analysis are complete and accepted by the Government
- This environmentally friendly power plant provides the transition to clean renewable energy by storing variable & excess solar, wind and hydro energy then feeding stored energy into the grid during peak demand and grid instability

Intrinsic Value
Sound project economics is established by the high value of the hydropower plants Power Purchase Agreement with European Union Members, paid in Euros, the low project cost of the value-engineered embankment dam, and the longer-term investment profile based on the design lifespan of 100 years

Increased Economic Stability
Locally, the Project provides increased employment, tourism, state revenues, improved living standards and poverty reduction. Nationally, it provides regional energy stabilization, GDP growth, favorable foreign exchange balance, monetary stability and influx of foreign capital

Government Support
The Project is fully supported by the Republic of Srpska, its Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining and the State Utility. All clearances, licenses, permits, land, and documentation necessary have the full backing of all government related agencies for expeditious implementation of the project

Enhanced Economic Growth
The hydropower plant and the appurtenant infrastructure facilities will create favorable conditions for the development of economic activities, while accelerating economic growth and contributing a positive effect on the country’s national economic status and GDP

Renewable and Eco-friendly
Hydropower’s high quality regulated electric power is eco-friendly, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, provides flood control and fish and wildlife habitat and protects the environment

Strategic Regional Importance
Strategic plant of regional importance, given its capability to produce significant quantities of clean energy providing energy security to the Balkans while delivering electricity to the expanding SE European markets